The Principal IS Your PAL!

Short Notes

Picture this...
    Good readers form mental pictures as they read.  To improve your child's comprehension, read a book without lettting him see it.  Then, ask him to guess what the illustrations look like. Examples:  How are the characters dressed?  Is the setting bright or gloomy?

Be there!
   Regular attendance in elementary & middle school sets up a good pattern for your youngster's entire school career.  Show your child that school comes first by trying to save days off for illnesses and family emergencies.  Also, schedule routine doctor and dentist appointments for after school or during school breaks.

Pitching in

   Would you like your child to be more responsible, hardworking, and persistent?  Here is an idea for working as a family to help your youngster develop these important traits. 

Hard Workers Wanted!
   Your youngster probably has regular chores to do.  You can motivate him or her to work extra hard by placing "want ads" on the refrigerator.  Choose a challenging job, and offer a benefit.  ExampleWanted--a hardworking family member to clean out a corner of the basement.  Reward--a place for your child and friends to play.

--from Home & School Connection
Working Together for School Success